Calf augmentation

Goal of calf augmentation: To correct the shape and volume of the thin calves, as well as the correction of the calf asymmetry due to a past disease or trauma.

Operative technique of calf augmentation: Incision about 3 cm long is placed in the popliteal fossa and on the inner side of the calf a subfascial pocket is created where the long spindle-shape or teardrop-shape silicone implant is placed.

Duration and anesthesia: Usually lasts about one hour in general anesthesia.

Recovery after calf augmentation: Stitches are removed after 14 days, and physical activities that require efforts of the leg muscles, like long walks or running, should be avoided 4 weeks.

Rare complications: Calf edema and bruises. Mild pain and other unpleasant sensations during long standing and physical activities may last as long as two months.


Calf augmentation photo gallery

Calf augmentation Budapest
Calf augmentation Budapest
Calf augmentation Budapest

